Please be as specific as possible when letting us know what is missing or incorrect. For example, say "this game's trophy difficulty should be 8/10", with a link to a website corroborating this difficulty estimate (if possible), not "this game's trophy difficulty is wrong".
If you are using the following Additional Contents, these items will be added to the [Reference Room]. If you are using the [New Protector Set]: ・Heaven's Force ・Energic Braum ・Earth Faulter ・Grazie Outer ・Shell Slat ・[500] Medals
If you are using the [New Attachment Set]: ・Force Soul ・Radius Soul ・Spiral Soul ・Ray Astral ・Tera Mithril ・Dementio Rune ・[500] Medals
※If you are using both Additional Contents, then both will be added. ※You can only exchange for these items [once]. ※Even if these items are carried over into a New Game Plus, you cannot obtain them again. ※You can exchange for items you haven't yet even if you start a New Game Plus.