Please be as specific as possible when letting us know what is missing or incorrect. For example, say "this game's trophy difficulty should be 8/10", with a link to a website corroborating this difficulty estimate (if possible), not "this game's trophy difficulty is wrong".
Officer data that can be used to introduce ancient officers into the 'ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV' scenario you choose to play. Note: Officer data added by this DLC cannot be edited.
A total of 29 renowned and powerful figures taken from throughout the history of China is included in this set. Enjoy playing 'ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV' using famous powerful heroes and warlords from history.
▼How to Use After selecting a scenario from 'Start New-Select Scenario' screen, at the 'Manage Orig. Officers' screen, use 'Introduce Orig. Officer' to select an officer.