Please be as specific as possible when letting us know what is missing or incorrect. For example, say "this game's trophy difficulty should be 8/10", with a link to a website corroborating this difficulty estimate (if possible), not "this game's trophy difficulty is wrong".
This bundle includes 7,500 + 2,000 Bonus Call of Duty Points for an extra 26% value. Usable in Modern Warfare and free-to-play Warzone modes.
Call of Duty Points (CP) are the in-game currency that can be used in Modern Warfare to obtain new in-game content, including the Battle Pass, for use in Multiplayer, Special Ops and Warzone game modes.
With your CP, you can purchase the Battle Pass which allows you to unlock up to 100 Tiers of exciting in-game items.
Tier contents include:
- 1,300 CP - New Operator - Legendary and Epic Operator Skins - Epic and Rare Weapon Blueprints - XP and Weapon XP Tokens
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (or its free-to-play Warzone version) game required, sold/download separately. CP purchased may also be used to obtain in-game content in certain Call of Duty games with CP functionality enabled*.