Please be as specific as possible when letting us know what is missing or incorrect. For example, say "this game's trophy difficulty should be 8/10", with a link to a website corroborating this difficulty estimate (if possible), not "this game's trophy difficulty is wrong".
With one pinball table based on Jurassic World and two more inspired by Jurassic Park, you know what that means - LIFE FOUND A WAY!
- Jurassic Park Pinball plays through classic scenes from the original blockbuster film, from classic T. rex confrontations to outsmarting raptors in the kitchen. - Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem returns us to Isla Nublar to restore order in an action-packed extravaganza -- playable Stegosaurus included! - Jurassic World Pinball enables you to train Raptors, view the spectacular Mosasaurus feeding, and escape the deadly Indominus Rex. You'll even experience Gyrosphere Valley using a playable gyrosphere pinball.