Plat Prices
BlazBlue: Central Fiction - System Voice Set A


DLC for:Blazblue Centralfiction
Released:November 1, 2016
Publisher:Aksys Games
Rating:DJCTQ - 16

Desnudos parciales, Interacciones online no clasificadas por la ESRB, Lenguaje, Sangre, Temas sexuales, Violencia

BlazBlue: Central Fiction - System Voice Set A

100% Trophies Video Guide


Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS3 and PS4 versions!

This DLC will add 8 characters' system voices to the game 'BLAZBLUE CENTRAL FICTION.' (Ragna, Noel, Nu, Arakune, Litchi, Taokaka, Bang, Izanami)

Licensed to and published by Aksys Games with permission from ARC SYSTEM WORKS.


DLC for:Blazblue Centralfiction
Released:November 1, 2016
Publisher:Aksys Games
Rating:DJCTQ - 16

Desnudos parciales, Interacciones online no clasificadas por la ESRB, Lenguaje, Sangre, Temas sexuales, Violencia

Price History (PlayStation Store)

This DLC's price has not changed since November 12, 2020.

We do not have price data from any earlier.

Base Games Compatible with this DLC

Other DLC for Blazblue Centralfiction

Trailer and Screenshots