Plat Prices


 VR required     
 Move required
Released:April 20, 2021
Publisher:MWM Interactive
Offline:1 player

Скрытая Ð¶ÐµÑÑ‚окость

Voice:English, French
Subtitles:English, French, German
File Size:5.14 GB
Game ID:CUSA26848 (?)


Trophy Guides

 4 – 6 hours
Trophy guides:

Trophy List

Are you worthy of being a Maskmaker's apprentice ?
Ultra Rare
Primary Biomes
Journey through the first three lands of the Mask realm.
Ultra Rare
Follow our gestures
Honour the three secret laws of carnival. Firstly, you must love thyself, and deny vanity; second, know thyself, to escape oblivion; and third, be open and tolerant, to defy isolation.
Ultra Rare
Complementary Biomes
Venture deeper in the three other lands of the Mask realm.
Ultra Rare
Faithful initiate
Be introduced to the Grand ritual. Follow the gestures...One by one... Become a blank page; in the service of the mask...
Ultra Rare
Grand ritual
Follow the dance... Step by step.. Move as one. Be one. Let's see if you can be a Maskmaker after all.
Ultra Rare
Wander through all the lands of the Mask realm, and craft all of the remaining guardians.
Ultra Rare
Imagination required
Find yourself...
Ultra Rare
YOU are the Maskmaker!
Ultra Rare
Memory seeker
Find half of the pieces of your memory left along your quest.
Ultra Rare
Memory recollector
Find all pieces of your memory that are scattered around the mask realm.
Ultra Rare


In an all new mysterious universe built by the developers of the award-winning A Fisherman's Tale, you play as a Maskmaker's apprentice and learn the magic of crafting masks to immerse yourself in the intriguing enigmatic beings within the game. From mask-to-mask and puzzle-to-puzzle, explore your way through the "mask realm" to seek Prospero who appears to rule it and ultimately unravel the secret of this identity.

Maskmaker provides a captivating VR adventure full of mystery and a sense of constant wonder.

"Will you become... the MASKMAKER?"

Key Features
Extensive & unique use of VR: Showing gameplay and puzzles using specific capabilities exclusive to VR.
Eight stunning biomes: Explore the world, observe the unique ways of each culture you visit, craft their mask and access new biome's by using their masks.
Crafting: Learn the ability to craft many magical masks using different rare resources you collect, paints and shapes to create increasingly sophisticated masks.
Possession: Wear the mask, blend in with each biome's culture and inhabit the spirits, colorful characters each with a different role to play.
Prospero's Workshop: As the apprentice, learn to make your first mask with Prospero's help, but who is the real man behind the mask?

A story of apprenticeship and power mixed with spell-binding twists ...

In addition, on PS5 consoles: PlayStation Camera adaptor for PS Camera is required (no purchase necessary) go to

PlayStation Camera required
2 PlayStation Move motion controllers required


 VR required     
 Move required
Released:April 20, 2021
Publisher:MWM Interactive
Offline:1 player

Скрытая Ð¶ÐµÑÑ‚окость

Voice:English, French
Subtitles:English, French, German
File Size:5.14 GB
Game ID:CUSA26848 (?)

Price History (PlayStation Store)

Lowest price ever: 2,99 kn, PS+: 2,99 kn – Released April 20, 2021

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Russia • RUB 20 = 1,51 kn
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Trailer and Screenshots